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Here you'll mainly find interesting facts about our releases. Besides, you'll find some important links to other 80s and New Wave people here! Updates coming soon... DJ Dave and his collegues collect concert and party dates to all 80s and Wave events in the surrounding area of Stuttgart and publish them on this website! By the way, DJ Dave is one one of our first fans! Well, he likes "Can't Touch You Now" very much and if DJ Dave likes it, hey, others will definitely like it, too! Some guys in a city called Nördlingen decided to organize an 80s party called "Back To The 80s". The parties have been great and therefore they are linked here! Be sure to check out one of their parties! Well, this club is located in the city of Augsburg and has an each-two-weeks-80s-party! It's surely one of the biggest 80s parties around this place and it's worth a visit!
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